Trash Lung
Episode 21 · March 29th, 2011 · 55 mins 28 secs
About this Episode
Wherein those damn Ross kids evangelize about clown crime, cryptozoology, and cash.
Suggested Talking Points:
Give me all the sauce. Soul Patch Albinism. Andy. Doppelganger. Phantom poop and the Clown Burglar. Drink, Drive, Sext. Ninja Crime. River City Ransom. Advertising for confession. Clown crime continues. Dine and dash. Backward Feet Man. Sacrelicious. Urinating in a mason jar. Sexy kids, continued. Hatchet. Man Cave. School on a Saturday. The last good generation. Mom of the week. Trapster. Cryptozoology Corner. Hunter S. Bigfoot. Chupacabra. Who Farted?: Long Island Edition. Ms. San Antonio reinstated. Corey Dead. Only drug dealers carry cash. Acronyms added to the OED. We’re done. The time I saved Warren G’s life.