Mr. Giggles
Episode 19 · March 15th, 2011 · 55 mins 23 secs
About this Episode
Wherein those damn Ross kids hesitate about spaniards, fake deaths, and laser targeted advertising.
Suggested Talking Points: Today’s podcast tomorrow. Gone Hookin’. Supermoon. Sex Quiz. Sexual Tension Quiz. HPV and the Surgeon General’s Warning tattoo. The government is taking away your right to send your kids to faith healers. Persecute the Spaniards and ban the Irish t-shirts. Miss Snake Charmer vs. Ms. Bear Baiter. Hey dipshits, don’t travel to Japan. Outrageous toll bill. Spot the fake death. Jeff Ruby’s and the party barge. Redneck Yacht club. Mr. Giggles TS and the destruction of the media. Rubber toy hand grenade and the evacuation. Hey you, chief. Is Darryl Strawberry dead? The King of Lambs in the Pizza Oven. Laser targeted advertising. I’m gonna say some cliches here. Gimme five fingers.